Tuesday 19 March 2013

Standing in the need of prayer

We use them all the time. Those three words - "How are you?"

But rarely are we asking how are you really feeling? How is your soul today?

How often do we get asked "How are you?" in one day?
And how often do we give the generic "I'm good. And you?" response? Because, if people only knew what was going on behind our words, maybe they would stop asking "How are you?"

I want to be honest here. Because, I want those who read this blog not to see me as a person with it all together. Trust me, I do not have it all together. I have a lot to figure out. I am a person who is wounded and broken, and not willing to wait on God's will most of the time, and I put on the apathetic smile all the time, and I am impatient, and I get out of sorts when there is not order, I say words that cut and blame it on hormones when I have only myself to blame, I compare myself to others, and my sin-bio is desperately long. And, I need God like I need bread because His grace is sufficient to heal these ailments.

So, I've started to really listen to people when I ask them "How are you?" I listen not just for their voice, but for God's voice underneath their voice. Even if they respond with the generic "Good. And you?" I want to be a soul friend and know the condition of their heart. And, I want you to do the same for me. So, when I ask "How are you?" I am listening to you with an ear towards you and with the other ear towards Heaven. And, if you really are doing good, I will know. But, if you need prayer, the Spirit will intercede and tell me what it is that needs prayed for. And, I will do my best to pray for your brokenness too. And, if you do tell me your struggles and challenges, that's the Spirit telling you that I will listen, that I will not interrupt, and I will not judge. That's the Spirit telling you that your words are safe with me. You can open up.

I will

You see, God never asks us to be strong. Which I love - but this culture does not. In this culture you have to look strong and not show emotion.

Actually, God says the opposite often. He says it is better to be meek and mild and show weakness. For, He says His power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore we should boast our weaknesses and not our strengths (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:28-31

When we feel like we don't have it together, when we are tired of waiting. When we feel downtrodden and broken, and know we are not perfect, God wants to see our real face, not our apathetic face. He would rather us not worship Him at all than be apathetic in our worship. He would rather us be angry with Him than put on a facade. And, I'm glad God understands when we are angry with Him, or whomever. I'm glad that anger and worship are not distinct and separate things. If you are pretending to enjoy God or even love Him, he knows. You can't fool Him, you can't even try. He is someone you can be real with. He knows your prayers before you say them, He knows your prayers even when you do not. I am thankful that He is someone you can be real with. So, I'm praying that God will use me to be a soul friend and show me what you stand in need of so that I may intercede in prayer for you. And, I'm asking God to make me fully present when you answer that question: "How are you?" And, I pray you'll do so too.

Questions for reflection:

Why is it sometimes difficult to be 'real' in each of our daily interactions? 

How will God meet you in some of the people you interact with? How might others meet God in their interactions with you?

As the old hymn says: "Not my brother or my sister, but it's me O Lord. Standing in the need of prayer." Reflect on what you stand in need of. How might you bring these needs up when asked "How are you?"?

The One Thousand Gifts Dare - What's been making me terribly happy lately:

23. Hot oatmeal to stick to your ribs and warm your core on a howling-wind morning.
24. Celebrating four incredible years as husband and wife.
25. Making baby food. Isaac is starting on solids. So far I've made and frozen some pureed sweet potato, butternut squash, acorn squash, pear, avocado, and chicken mixed with sweet potato. And, so far he's tried the squash and nibbled (gummed) on some al dente finger carrots and apple. Apparently he will eat whatever we put in front of him. It is too funny to watch him explore new tastes and textures.
26. Big belly laughs from Isaac when he hears me say "ha ha ha CHOO." or "peek peek peek HABOO."
27. Tiny fingers that have the strongest hold. I will never get tired of the automatic grip reflex that babies have. Can I somehow teach him not to let his clinging fingers fade away?
28. Women of faith and studying 12 Women of The Bible, plus partaking in coffee with these women. Each woman in our Bible study offers insights and perspectives that feed my mind and spirit. Plus there is always goodies to feed the body too.
29. PB and J. I shared a children's message at church recently about how you can't make the sandwich without the bread. Just like we can't live without Jesus in our lives. And Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life. Now, whenever I make a PB and J sandwich in this time of lent, it reminds me that Jesus is the bread of life. His love is enough.
30. This cute recipe for Chocolate Egg Nest Cookies.
31. My Heavenly Father and His Son, my Saviour. Praise His name forever!
32. Old camp tunes. Back in the good ole days when I worked at summer camp we sang songs like "Little is Much (When He Lives in Your Heart)" and "I Want to Walk Like Jesus." I've been looking for new songs to sing with Isaac as the grown up in me grows tired of some of the same old tunes all the time. And, I've been reacquainted with some great ones from my camp days.
33. Back rolls, knee rolls, elbow rolls. My little guy, Isaac, has rolls on his rolls. I love his baby chub.
34. This picture makes me smile every time.

Just a wee bit Irish! (His shirt says "Little Shamrocker" ~ How cute is that?)

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