Tuesday 30 July 2013

Growing in Leaps and Bounds

Dear Ike,

Hello bright eyes! You are growing in leaps and bounds, literally. I can hardly believe that you are 10 months old. In the last few weeks you have entered into a new stage of activity. It started when we were on our trip out West. You sat up unassisted in your play yard. And so began pulling yourself up to standing, cruising along furniture, bum-scooting in your own little way and now you're crawling. You leave a path of destruction wherever you go. We have toy baskets and you find it quite amusing to crawl from one basket to another just to dump it out. In the last two weeks you have sprouted 4 teeth and have not been overly fussy while teething. Perhaps the crawling is getting you through. You make some pretty great facial expressions now too. I love when you smile, tilt your head up and smooch your lips. It's a new one that happens a lot, especially during meal times. You have begun eating a bit of table food. It's so precious watching you pick up your little pieces with your pincer grasp. "Da-da-da" comes from your sweet lips often. You think our dog Remmy is hilarious. Though he doesn't think you're hilarious when you pull his hair. I love when you wake up to a new day and are super excited. One day when you were napping and we needed to be somewhere I asked daddy to gently wake you. So he sat beside your crib, and whispered your name. You woke up instantly and smiled immediately. I don't think I would be so happy to be woken up from a nap.  Isaac, you bring such a sweetness to our family. I can't imagine life without you in it. Thank you for letting me see things through your eyes, everything's new and thrilling. Here are some pics of you over the last few weeks.

This is what handsome looks like


Watching the wheat come off
  Goodness. It takes all my self control not to eat up that "Chubsie Wubsie" perfect little body of yours.

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