Monday 7 October 2013

I Love You a Bushel and a Peck

Wow One!

While you're napping, I should be tackling a mountain of laundry that needs to be folded. But, I just had to write this post. As one of my dear friends says: 

"I'd rather be a good mommy than a good housekeeper."

Sweetheart, You are One! Twelve months ago you were put in my arms for the very first time and each day since I've fallen more in love with you. Here are twelve reasons why I adore being your mom.

1 You give big hugs and big wet kisses. You pull me closer to you by squeezing my cheeks and squishing your face right up in mine.

2 You are a Momma's boy. I'm soaking it all in while it lasts because I know that in time you will become more brave and be content with other family members. There are time when you're being held by someone who has nothing but love for you and I can see the tears welling up in your eyes. And, I just want to tell you "it's okay babe, they love ya." For now I'll take being the favourite.

3 You look like your Dadda. And you still have those gorgeous blue eyes.

4 Your smile and your laugh light up a room. I can get you laughing by giving you zerbers and playing "Achoo" with your stuffies. You love when I say "Achoo" and tuck your stuffed puppy in your neck. You have this husky little laugh that cracks me up.

5 The squinty smile, and fishy kiss face sequence. You do this all the time and I have no idea where it came from. But, it cracks your daddy and me up every time.

6 Sleeping through the night. We are still working on this one. You have been really good at it. But, whenever you're feeling a little off whether you're teething or feeling a little ill, the waking in the middle of the night happens. I can't blame you, but I'm hoping that a full night's sleep becomes more regular soon. Especially, now that I am back to work.

7 Tractor noises. Music and Dancing. You love to play with your big green tractor toys. And, you make the noises to go along with it. It came pretty naturally. I'm sure you'll be doing that for years to come too. You also love to dance along to the music whenever it's playing. Whether it's an upbeat tune on the radio, a toy that makes music, or someone singing, you are boppin' to the beat.

8 I adore nursing you. It's been 12 months and we're still going strong. You are now being given two bottles of whole cow's milk a day and you get so excited for them. You are also eating just about anything (as long as your health nut Momma allows it). But, I nurse you in the morning and a night before bed and you are especially sweet after a good nursing session. Teeth (there's 8 now) are not a problem.

9 You're a chubsie wubsie. Who doesn't love a chubby baby? You've thinned out a lot since the nursing has slowed down a bit and you've become much more active. But, you still have rolls on your rolls, chubby cheeks and the sweetest little dimple that I hope stays there in the long run.

10 Mr. Mischief. Said dimple adds to your mischievous look. I catch you getting into quite the predicaments sometimes. Whether it be getting your chubby hand stuck in the holes of your shoe rack, "climbing" the shelves in the refrigerator, cupboard, pushing the buttons on the tv, vcr, washing machine... emptying out the contents of the tupperware. What is it about that tupperware?

11 You love Remmy, our dog. While I confess, I'm not as fond of our dog as I once was since you came along (I still love him, I just can keep up with him as much), it is hilarious when you kiss him, pet him and or use him as your wrestling mate. Between you, Remmy and your Daddy, I've got three big boys to care for. You three are my rough and tumble boys.

12 I absolutely adore you for giving me a taste of how my Heavenly Father loves me as His daughter.

Love always, xoxo

Here's some more pics from over the last 12 months

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