Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Hurried Life

Sometimes the slowest way is the fastest way to joy (from Ann Voskamp, aholyexperience.com)

Today, our neighbor’s clothesline is hung with a long row of clean wash flapping in the breeze. It must be bed sheet day because the line the length of the large lawn is lined with crisp white linens and I reflect on how a load of laundry can change from one phase of life to another. In days left behind, hers would have included her husband's clothing, work pants, shirts and socks. His presence on the clothesline is missing now as he has passed away. But life and laundry must go on. Our own clothesline has changed in the past year as well with the addition of baby items, diapers, onesies and PJs. The amount of laundry we do in this house now has increased exponentially.

I recall driving through the Mennonite countryside and admiring the long washlines that extend far beyond twice the size of ours. The clothing neatly pinned almost categorically. You can see the generations that must live life out in their home based on the clothes on their line. There is something quite idyllic about it. The homes are surrounded by rural trademarks, a well manicured vegetable garden, a sign that reads "Slow Down, Children at Play," the farmers working the land, the century cedar fencelines. The Mennonite lifestyle is something to be admired. There is immense wisdom in going through life in the slow lane.

It is believed that the typical  Mennonite farmer produces a greater harvest while consuming less energy than his non-Mennonite neighbours. The Mennonite lifestyle has been centered upon agriculture for centuries. Furthermore, life on the Mennonite farm coincides with faith and religious traditions. To the Mennonite, going at a slower pace, toiling with the soil, raising livestock, and growing their own food is seen as following God's will. Communing with nature is communing with God. To the Mennonite, farming is not merely a job but a sacred lifestyle dictated by the Scriptures. The rigours of farming has traditionally been seen as a way of ingraining these important values within the community.

If we stop living like life is an emergency and embrace the small gifts each day, we may find that time slows down. Nowhere in God's word does it say to live a hurried life. So many people today, myself included, get caught up in the desire to want more and not be content in the moment. For the moment, look at what you have and be thankful. Saying with assurance that you are happy with what you have here and now is a wise way to spend your time. Or, look at the grunge of everyday life and accept it for what it is: life. No life is perfect.

Yes, time flies. I find it does even more so now that I'm a mom. But, life is not about getting it all right. Life is messy, dizzy, burdensome, deadline-full, and can make you soul-weary. We are not fully equipped to handle what life brings us sometimes. Give in to it, receive it, and accept it with grace for the Joy of Christ you are. And, give in to Jesus, who offers peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

And, sometimes the slowest way is the fastest way to JOY (from Ann Voskamp, aholyexperience.com)



60. New socks

61. Well worn comfy jeans

62. Pumpkin pie latte (o how I've missed you)

63. Things that are cleverly and intentionally packaged. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened my extra large box of Orange Pekoe Tea, that the bags are wrapped in packages of 20 or so tea bags. Now, some of you may say this is wasteful. But, I think it is quite the happy medium. Wasteful would be individually packaged. Because, tea loses some of it's aroma and flavour when exposed to the air out there it must be kept sealed to stay fresh. If you are an avid tea drinker, you know this. It would not stay fresh if it was kept loose in the cardboard box. So, for this packaging, I am grateful.

64. Souvenirs. Snowglobes, rocks and shells from provinces away were just given to Isaac from his Grandma and Grandpa Cook.

65. Warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.

66. A new box of crayons. They're just nostalgic for me.

67. "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch. Reading it together with my husband for Isaac before bed, we both found ourselves welling up with tears.

68. Jesus told us “in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Jesus is our peace, hope, strength and rest from all that clamours in this world.

69. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

70. Waking up and realizing it's not Monday, but Sunday. Wow, I was disoriented on Sunday morning thinking it was Monday and I had to get ready for work. But, oh how thankful I was when I realized it was Sunday, and I could lay in bed just a little bit longer.

71. The smell of a wood burning fire.

72. A free concert - The Trews at Pumpkinfest in Port Elgin this past weekend.

73. Going to a pumpkin patch and each picking our own pumpkin.

74. Awesome = Apple picking. Awkward = Realizing that the Honey Crisp ones on sale that you wanted were not available for picking. 10 lbs were on sale for $19. So, I start filling up my reusable bag from the pre-picked bin. Then, I realize, I don't know how much will make 10 lbs. So, I ask if there are already filled 10 lb bags somewhere. They proceed to show me the pre-filled bags right in front of my nose. It gets better. So, I proceed to empty my reusable bag. And, the salesperson promptly yells at me "No no, let me do it for you, gently." Apparently apples are to be handled like eggs. Haha. Oh well, it makes for a funny story.

75. The smell of Fall.

76. Child free grocery shopping.

77. Tea parties with real loose leaf tea, real scones, real homemade jam, and real china.

78. Baked Alaska. White cake is topped with ice cream and meringue, then quickly baked in a hot oven for this delightful dessert. 

79. Getting a hair cut.

In the meantime, in between time, God bless and keep you!

In Him,

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